On Monday night, I brought my precious niece Ellie home for a week of fun with Aunt Mush! On Tuesday we woke up and got ready to go eat lunch with Uncle Mattie. We drove to his work and picked him up. When she saw him walking towards the car her eyes got real big and she yelled "Uncle Mattie!!!" She was sooooo excited to see him. We drove to McDonald's for a cheeseburger happy meal with a Sprite. She loved her cheeseburger but found Aunt Mush's chicken nuggets much more delish (aka delicious). After lunch we went outside to play on the playground. It was pretty chilly so we only stayed for about 37 seconds and then ran to the car.

We finally got to use our TV in our Jeep. That sucker has come in handy the past couple of days. She has been watching Jonah, Fraggle Rock, and Monsters Inc. I have to say Monsters Inc. makes me laugh and I can't even see the screen when I am driving. The dialogue in that movie is hilarious. Anyways.....after McD's we dropped Mattie off at work and then......THE AQUARIUM!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my gosh, I mean oh my goodness (sorry Ellie; she sure has got me in check with what I say) she was absolutely overwhelmed with glee on the way to see fish and turtles! When we first walked in she was a little hesitant. There were loud animal noises everywhere and a loud waterfall. She got comfortable real quick though...surprise, surprise.
We saw 600,582 different fish, just an estimate. She was in heaven. I would just follow her around with the video camera while she went exploring, leading the way with her cute self. I loved it. Every time we turned a corner she would let out that gasp of excitement that she does when she see's something neat. Cracked me up every single time. We found a leopard in a glass cage (kind of out of place I thought) and she was anything but amused by it. I was filming her when we walked up to the big cat expecting the biggest freak-out ever. She looked at it and just kept walking. Totally uninterested. We see a fish the size of a crumb and she goes nuts but a giant cat and...nothing. Oh well, I thought it was cool.

Social Butterfly.
Fascinated with the computers.
She had a hard time choosing just ONE toy.
At the end of our adventure we ran into the gift shop, bought some cute animal stickers and a light-up shark (but she insists it's her dolphin). Overall, the aquarium equals absolute greatness for Ellie Claire.
Next, we went to the mall for a play date with Mandy Hollister and Makenzie (a little girl who is also two that Mandy was baby sitting). While we were waiting for them to arrive we grabbed a strawberry milkshake and went into a Surf Shop nearby that had an indoor surfing pool. It was the coolest thing. Ellie would stand at the window and watch the two guys surf on this man-made wave. They would wave at her and splash at her. She would scream and jump back and laugh all at the same time.
Makenzie finally came and Ellie ran up to her, arms wide open. Makenzie was more reserved, but not our Ellie. She was persistent in giving her a hug. Then we were off to tumble and run around like crazy people. She climbed, slid, jumped, and hopped. She had made a new best friend I think. They wore out fast so Mandy and I took them to play in some toy cars. We probably used $10 in quarters.

Then it was time for pizza and balloons at Pizza Inn with Rapheal, Lark and Morgan. The balloon lady made Ellie a flower that was also a bracelet so she could wear it. That woman was talented. After all that you would think Ellie would be exhausted... but no. Once we got home it was time for a bath, called mama, and playdough with Uncle Mattie. Notice there was no nap time during all the festivities. She slept good once I talked her into going to bed. Day numero uno was a success!